September 16, 2024

Old Naira Notes no More Legal Tender – CBN

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) said old naira notes of 200, ‎500, ‎1000 notes are no longer legal tender in the country.


The CBN declared that the old 200, 500, 1000 notes ceased being legal tender in Nigeria on Friday, February 10, 2023.


CBN Branch Controller in Bauchi, Haladu Idris Andaza, while speaking to journalists made the disclosure.


“In the last 24 hours, we have been inundated by questions from various angles of the general public about our operational guidelines on the old currency notes, be that as it may, there are so many questions here and there which people have been asking about,” Andaza said.


“So for the avoidance of doubt, we wish to state categorically that CBN is ready and is opened to receive all of those old notes based on certain conditions and criteria. Customers are free to come to the Bank and deposit which they cannot do at the Commercial Banks anymore because the currency has seized to be a legal tender since the 10th of this month.


More updates soon……

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