July 27, 2024

Remo Unites for Free Eye Care: Gateway Front Foundation, Eye Foundation Hospital’s Health Outreach

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By: Helen & Ashedzy

Today, the Gateway Front Foundation in collaboration with Eye Foundation Hospital, a brainchild of Engineer Gbenga Daniel organised a health outreach for the people of Ogun East Senatorial District.

Remo Unites for Free Eye Care: Gateway Front Foundation, Eye Foundation Hospital's Health Outreach
Remo Unites for Free Eye Care: Gateway Front Foundation, Eye Foundation Hospital’s Health Outreach

The event took place in the beautifully adorned hall of the Akarigbo of Remo Palace in Sagamu.

The outreach offered free eye care services to the indigenous members of Remoland. Participants were people of varying ages, social and educational background who shared the common Remo bond.

The large number of participants from the different divisions in Remoland sat under the bane of their local government, these locations included Ikenne, Remo North, Sagamu 1 and Sagamu 2.

    Remo Unites for Free Eye Care: Gateway Front Foundation, Eye Foundation Hospital's Health OutreachRemo Unites for Free Eye Care: Gateway Front Foundation, Eye Foundation Hospital’s Health Outreach

The outreach carried out free eye tests and gave out drugs as well as glasses to people who needed them.

Also, participants will leave the hall with their eye related health issues treated and free food stuffs. Participants came out in their number to be part of the event.

While Sagamu and Ijebu-Ode , host the event on Monday, other parts of the Ogun East Senatorial District are slated to hold theirs in coming days with Ijebu-igbo and Itele-ijebu on Tuesday and finally Ogun waterside on Wednesday.

More updates later……

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