July 26, 2024

Remolanders Social Club Donates to OOUTH, Spreads Message of Peace in Sagamu Community


By: Ogunleye Oluwapelumi


Remolanders Social Club, based in Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria, On Thursday, December 7, 2023, embarked on a mission to bring comfort and support to the local community. The club visited the Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital (OOUTH) and donated essential materials to enhance the well-being of patients.


Led by their dedicated President, Mr. Olanrewaju Olaleye, the Remolanders Social Club presented the hospital with bed spreads and pillow cases, aiming to provide a more comfortable environment for patients during their stay.

Dr. Olusoji Edward Jagun, the Director of Clinical Services at OOUTH, expressed heartfelt appreciation for the club’s humanitarian act, emphasizing the significance of such gestures for the hospital and the community at large.


Inspired by their impactful visit, Remolanders Social Club went above and beyond by covering the medical fees of five discharged patients who were unable to afford their bills. The grateful recipients of this assistance expressed their deep appreciation and newfound hope for a brighter future. This act of kindness exemplifies the club’s unwavering commitment to uplifting those in need and making a positive difference in the lives of individuals within their community.

Continuing their mission to spread awareness and promote a peaceful society, the club also erected a prominent billboard in a strategic location. The billboard boldly bears the message, “Shun Cultism, Say No to Violence.” This powerful statement serves as a reminder to the community to reject violence and embrace harmony, further reinforcing Remolanders Social Club’s dedication to creating a safer and more united environment.


As the day concluded, Mr. Olanrewaju Olaleye, in a brief interview, expressed the club’s unwavering commitment to humanitarian services and giving back to the community. He assured that Remolanders Social Club will continue to engage in similar initiatives in the future, aiming to make an even greater impact on the lives of individuals in Sagamu.

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