Hon. Dre Tips Hat to Supportive Sagamites, Celebrates One-Year Anniversary

Sagamu constituency 1 representative in the 10th Assembly, Honourable (OMOOBA) Damilare Mohammed Bello, affectionately called Hon. Dre, pays tribute to the supportive people of Sagamu and is set to celebrate a one-year fruitful service in public office with an elaborate (Ileya) party.
In an official statement released by Hon. Dre, he expressly showed gratitude in writing, saying, “I am deeply grateful to the people of Sagamu constituency 1 for their trust and tremendous support. Your solidarity during my 21 days in political detention cannot be forgotten…”
Hon. Dre continued, analyzing the tremendous effort that has been put into providing improved educational services, essential infrastructure, clean water supply, electrification, empowerment for individuals and the community at large, transparency, and accountability in government.
Moving forward, Hon. Dre promised continued dedication and commitment to serving the people of Sagamu in all sincerity. Meanwhile, a special party was set in place to mark a successful and fruitful year in office.